Automated Hydrocarbon Recovery and Tank Cleaning (AHRTC) Services
VAOS has extensive experience in this field and can provide tank cleaning, maintenance and repair of storage tanks at refineries, oil fields and tank terminals. Using Oreco’s patented BLABO® system (performed at 25 tanks in Libya and 3 tanks in Nigeria without any recorded incident - as at May 2022), our tank cleaning service is automated, mobile and modular, and non-man entry. The system is designed to clean large volume, difficult-to-clean oil tanks and is suitable for both floating and fixed roof tanks. Its ‘closed loop cleaning system’ heavily reduces the impact of tank cleaning on the environment and provides near 100% hydrocarbon recovery. When compared to manual cleaning techniques, this system is safer and reduces the tank down-time up to 80%.
Case Study
VAOS was contracted by Zueitina Oil Company (ZOC) to clean a 560,000bbl crude oil storage tank with an estimated sludge content of 40,300bbl. The tank had a ‘double floating deck’ which made access difficult and entry hazardous. The BLABO® system was deployed, resulting in the recovery of 40,250bbl of crude oil (99.9% recovery rate), with a commercial value of $5,192,250 whilst maintaining the highest of environmental standards and sustaining no injuries.
Characteristics of used Oreco A/S BLABO® system:
• Suitable for floating and fixed roof tanks.
• Tank capacity up to 200,000 m³ / 1,240,000 bbl.
• Tank diameter 30-100+ m / 98-308+ ft.
• Sludge contents easily exceed 30,000 m³ / 185,000 bbl.
• Tank cleaning and oil recovery takes place simultaneously.
• Supplied with a recirculation capacity of up to 120 m³/h.
• Consists of up to 4 modules (standard ISO 20-foot container).
Main reasons for using Oreco A/S BLABO® system:
• Near 100% recovery of hydrocarbons.
• Marketable products.
• Minimal waste disposal necessary.
• Minimal hydrocarbon emission to atmosphere due to closed-loop cleaning system.
• Lower consumption of water, electricity and air.
• Up to 80% reduction of tank cleaning time (BLABO®).
VAOS Ltd latest Presentation on AHRTC is available HERE
VAOS Ltd latest AHRTC brochure is available HERE
BLABO® animation of a complete tank cleaning and oil recovery process is available HERE