The last Newsmagazine was published in late 2010. For a number of valid reasons, the Libyan Revolution being the most significant, the Newsmagazine was suspended until further notice. A recent decision to resurrect the Newsmagazine (now the Newsletter) was made by the Managing Directors to demonstrate the Company’s commitment to the future and its commitment to improving communication with, and between, all members of staff. The aim is to publish two Newsletters a year (at 4 monthly intervals) with a larger Annual Journal being generated at the end of the year to capture the key events and activities that have taken place throughout the year: this can double as an unofficial Company history.  The purpose of the Newsletter is to document and celebrate the excellent work and significant achievements of our staff, to single out those worthy of formal recognition, whilst updating the wider Company of the current challenges and future opportunities.  The Newsletter is for our employees, although our clients might find it interesting, and will aide us in improving communications.